> Manel Hammouche

A computer scientist and a software developer from Algeria
Currently, a remote student at Microverse studying to become a Full-Stack Developer. I have a great passion for learning languages and frameworks. In addition to that, I really enjoy designing websites and implementing those designs.

> Manel.location

['Constantine, Algeria']

> Manel.resume


> Manel.interests

['gaming', 'cooking', 'design', 'reading books', 'astronomy']

> Manel.education

['M.Sc. Computer Science - University of Constantine 2, Algeria', 'Full-Stack web developer - Microverse']

> Manel.skills

['CSS', 'Sass', 'Bootstrap', 'Javascript', 'React', 'git', 'MySQL', 'Jest', 'Webpack']



Contact me

If you have an application you are interested in developing, a feature that you need built or a project that needs coding, I’d love to help with it.
Or if you want to say "Hi", I'd love to hear from you!